Bio-STP converts human waste and all organic waste into 100% clean re-usable odour free water and Bio-Gas. There is no mechanical STP or septic tank needed if you have Bio-STP. 

Human waste disposal in High Altitude & Low Temp Areas, Big Cities, Mines, Remote Areas, Beaches, Rural Areas, Long Distance Buses is a burning problem.
The problem has further aggravated in glaciers where the ambient temperature drops to -40°C and lower. The low temp stops/ delays the natural Bio-degradation of the waste leading to its preservation (accumulation) for a long time resulting in environmental hazard. Local heating by direct sunlight exposes the waste buried in the ice causing nuisance and foul smell.
?The melting ice takes the waste to rivers disturbing the aquatic ecosystem. Moreover untreated human waste is also responsible for spreading of Water Borne Diseases like Typhoid, Cholera, Shigellosis, Amoebic Dysenteries, and Diarrhea etc.

The EWS team has expertise in Designing & Commissioning of a large number of successfully operating Bio-STPs in India. Bio-STPs can be used for the treatment of sewage from large housing complexes, hotels, and canteens etc. where sewage consists of mainly organic matter. In this system treatment of sewage is done using AMI (Anaerobic Microbial Inoculum) in an anaerobic environment. A sewage treatment plant has been designed based on updated technology incorporating Bio-STP technology. The treated sewage water shall be used for maintaining a garden or other selective usage.
The treatment of effluent brings down the values of all the parameters in the treated sewage water within the permissible norms fixed by the State Pollution Control Board.


This technology is suitable for any area/ application in India. The process under this technology culminates into treated effluent which is free from Pathogens and is also environmentally acceptable. It includes physical, chemical and biological processes to remove these contaminants and produce environmentally safe treated wastewater.

The technology has a major three components:
A - Low Temp Active Inoculums   
B - Bio Digesters
C - Reed Beds 


  • Treatment of Sewage happens in totally eco-friendly manner. In this process, the technology breaks down the contaminants into treated    effluent which has no adverse effect on the environment
  • Disposes of human waste in a 100% Eco-friendly manner
  • Generates colourless, odourless inflammable Bio-Gas (can be used for cooking heating) and absolutely clear odourless water. Water is full of nutrients and minerals and is good for irrigation purpose of nearby gardens, lawns etc.
  • Suitable for a sub-zero temperature of Himalayan Region, Glaciers, Highways, Remote areas, Sea Ports, Mining area, Metro Cities etc.
  • Complete elimination of pathogens
  • Economically viable
  • No dependence on the limited and costly conventional energy sources
  • Can be installed and made operational in the least Time-duration
  • Inoculums charging is only once during the entire life of Bio-Digesters
  • Doesn’t involve human intervention at any stage of its functioning
  • Minimum maintenance
  • Can be installed in a smaller space as compared to Normal STPs due to underground construction
  • More Hygienic than normal STPs
  • All pathogens are killed inside the Bio-digester Tank

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Conserving the lands and waters on which all life depends. By creating solutions that make environmental sense,
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